Relevant points of osteopathy

OCP Quirino osteopaths specialize in treatments of babies, children, and teenagers until the age of 25 (if needed, also adults). We take care of the many problems concerning the infants and the families simultaneously. The therapy is mostly focused on children with anomalies, pathologies, or various disabilities. We also offer women help during the pregnancy and after the birth. In our activity we use an integrative and complex therapy, to give the patient enough stability to forward the treatment.

Infants and newborns

An imbalance of the infant’s body can manifest itself in different ways and influence the regulatory system; in this case an adaptation or compensation of the human body could take place. Disorders of the digestive system may also be subject to adaptation. The techniques used in osteopathy are delicate and of moderate intensity. The body’s naturally intact mechanisms (responsible for stabilizing the cellular system) are used to help the infant relax and restore it’s neurophysiological processes to normal.


We take care of children with various diseases such as digestive disorders, circulation disorders and pains from various sources. We recommend light exercises to be carried out at home to facilitate the treatment in the outpatient clinic. If deemed necessary, there will be interdisciplinary collaboration with other specialists in the paediatric field.


Apart from the various pediatrics care, we treat teenagers with sport injuries or with pains of general pathological origin. Some of the teenagers we treat have been coming to our clinic for a long time, others are experiencing our osteopathic care for the first time. That’s why we take a lot of time to talk to the young people about their concerns. We listen to them patiently and with great empathy before we start with the treatment.

For the mothers during the pregnancy and after the childbirth

During the pregnancy the mother’s body is confronted with neurohormonal changes that may influence the quality and flexibility of the tissues. With the growth of the abdomen, consequent to the development of the child, some compensation could take over. They could have negative effects, not only on the musculoskeletal system but on the whole system. These compensations may cause orthopedic or visceral problems. The physical strain during childbirth (episiotomy, caesarean section, administration of drugs and other essential medical interventions) could have a negative impact on the bone structure of the perineal and pelvic area. Childbirth is a great challenge both for the baby and for the mother, that’s why we recommend a specific and complete osteopathic treatment, in case the stress factors affected the health of the newborn and the mother. Die körperliche Belastung während des Geburtsprozesses (Bsp. Episiotomie/Kaiserschnitt/Narkose und sonstige notwendige interventionen), einschliesslich der starken Weitung des Geburtskanals, und die erneute Verlagerung des Körperschwerpunkts unmittelbar nach der Entbindung, stellen eine grosse Herausforderung dar. All diese starken körperlichen Veränderungen/Anpassungen wirken sich auf den Muskel- und Bänderapparat sowie das Knochen- und Gelenksystem aus. Die sanften, nicht-invasiven Methoden der osteopathischen, medizinischen Intervention, können somit die zuvor genannten Unregelmässigkeiten/Dysbalancen und Stresssymptome lindern und so das Wohlbefinden der Mutter und des Kindes vor und nach der Entbindung verbessern, beziehungsweise positiv unterstützen.

Note: In these articles its attempted to avoid the complex medical terminology.